The association
interaction Leipzig e.V .
Connecting people with art and culture
Interaction Leipzig is a non-profit organization that facilitates encounters between people from different cultures and backgrounds. We do this because migration and diversity are normal for us and we believe that everyone should have equal rights to help shape our society. With its art and cultural offerings, interaction Leipzig provides the platform for this.
Why we exist:
interaction Leipzig e.V. was founded in 2015 in the context of increased migration to Germany. We are convinced that art and culture are a powerful tool for change. They can help to break down prejudices, overcome barriers and create an open and tolerant society. Our aim is to promote encounters between people with and without migration experience. We believe that these encounters at eye level are important in order to develop mutual understanding and respect.
Our offers
We offer a wide range of events and projects to promote intercultural exchange. We call them “interactions”. These include creative workshops, music and movement activities, theater projects and much more. With our interactions you can discover your artistic skills, learn new things and exchange ideas with others. We invite everyone to shape the city together, use existing resources, form networks and break down barriers.
Our vision
We dream of a society in which all people can participate equally. Free from discrimination, exclusion and racism. From together instead of alone. In a city that everyone can help shape. cultural diversity and migration are seen as the norm. We believe that art and culture play an important role in this. With our work, we want to help ensure that encounters between people with and without migration experience take place on an equal footing.

Our mission
At interaction Leipzig, we live socioculture. We are convinced that art and culture make an important contribution to shaping an open and tolerant society. With our work, we want to help ensure that people with and without a history of immigration live together as equals and that social diversity is perceived as an enrichment.
Our goals:
- Promoting cohesion between people with and without a history of immigration
- Promoting social cohesion
- Creating spaces for exchange and encounters
- Sharing common values, Strengthen tolerance and openness
- Creating a positive perception of social diversity
- Promoting cultural participation and equality
Our team
We are a dedicated team of board members, employees and volunteers who are committed to the goals and values of interaction Leipzig e.V. We come from different cultural, professional and personal backgrounds and bring our experience, skills and passions to our work.
Board of Directors:
Daniele Delphine Döring
Chief Executive Officer
Pedro Henrique Risse
Management Board
Franz Ecker
Management Board

Join in!
Would you like to join us? That makes us very happy! There are many ways in which you can get involved with interaction Leipzig e. V.

Join in!
Would you like to join us? That makes us very happy! There are many ways in which you can get involved with interaction Leipzig e. V.
Network and funding providers
We cooperate with major cultural institutions and associations in the city of Leipzig to open up facilities to a new audience.
Afeefa – Digitaler Zusammenhalt e.V., Afro Leipzig Show, AG Soziokultur, Akademie für lokale Demokratie, Annalinde gGmbH, Arbeit und Leben Sachsen e.V., Autodidaktische Initiative, Boxclub Olympia 05 e.V., Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Kreisverband Leipzig-Stadt e.V., DaMigra e.V., Diakonisches Werk Innere Mission Leipzig e.V., European Homecare GmbH, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig, Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Grünau, Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Hochschule für Musik und Theater, HTWK Leipzig, Internationale Frauen Leipzig e.V., Joblinge Leipzig, KOMM-Haus, Kontaktstelle Wohnen, Leibnitz-Institut für Länderkunde, Lindenow e.V., LOFFT – Das Theater, Migrantenbeirat Leipzig, Mobiler Behindertendienst Leipzig e.V. / Inklusives Nachbarschaftszentrum, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, Musiknetzwerk Klänge der Hoffnung, Mühlstraße 14 e.V / Unterwegs und Angekommen, Neues Schauspiel Leipzig, Ost-Passage Theater, Pandechaion Herberge e.V., Pöge-Haus, Projekt INTIGRA in Mockau, Protegat gemeinnützige UG, Quartiersmanagement Ost, Refugee Law Clinic, Stadtsportbund, Stiftung Bürger für Leipzig, Schauspiel Leipzig, Social Impact Lab Leipzig gGmbH, Soziokulturelles Zentrum die Villa, Start with a Friend Leipzig, Theatrium Leipzig Grünau, Universität Leipzig, WERK 2 – Kulturfabrik Leipzig e.V., Wir sind Paten Leipzig …