Interaction Leipzig e.V. in the media
Here we present a selection of publications on events and association activities with which interaction Leipzig e.V. has appeared in the media and on other platforms.
The Leipzig Glocal –“My Own Private Bureaucracy: You must take a number!“
Kreuzer Leipzig –“Art in the shop window“
The Leipzig Glocal –“What comes after: artwork around eisenbahnstraße“
Leipziger Internet Zeitung –“Walk of shame“
Sphere Radio –“Interaction Leipzig with Cihan“
Radio Blau –“Radio Blau about the interaction Leipzig theater group“
student! The independent Leipzig university newspaper –“Name magic and font design“
Ökolöwe Umweltbund Leipzig e.V. –“PARK(ing) Day Leipzig“
Kulturstiftung des Bundes – “interaction Leipzig e.V. – Laboratory for Cooperation and Collision”
Leipziger Internet Zeitung –“Further highlights expected at the bridge festival“
Leipziger Volkszeitung –“Bridge festival on Leipzig’s Sachsenbrücke“
Solveig Van der Hoffmann –“Cooperation and collision – Interview with Franziska Furcht from interaction Leipzig e.V.”
City of Leipzig –“Infobrief Bildungsmanagement Leipzig, Issue 48: 2nd quarter 2018 / Afeefa Leipzig“
Georg-Schwarz-Straße Magistralenmanagement –“Afeefa Leipzig integration platform launched“
Stiftung Bürger für Leipzig – Volunteer Award of the
Foundation Citizens for Leipzig
transcript Verlag / Werner Schiffauer, Anne Eilert, Marlene Rudloff –“So schaffen wir das – eine Zivilgesellschaft im Aufbruch: 90 wegweisende Projekte mit Geflüchteten“
Citizens for Leipzig Foundation –“Refugee Aid Guide“
Ostthüringer Zeitung –“Today piece in climbing hall Schmölln“
Radio Blau –“Interview on the Women*InActionDay of interaction Leipzig e.V.”
Saxon State Minister for Equality and Integration –“Newsletter / Women*In Action Day“
Refugee Law Clinic –“Women*In Action Day“
DaMigra –“Women*festival ‘Women In Action’“
Querbeet Leipzig Open Garden –“Penckstraßenfest on tour“
City of Leipzig –“Penckstraßenfest On Tour“ –“Benefit concert for the benefit of “Integration durch Bildung e.V.” and “Interaction Leipzig e.V.“”
Sachsen Fernsehen –“How the people of Leipzig are looking after the future of their city“
Hannes Kleinschmidt –“interaction Leipzig e.V.”
Schauspiel Leipzig –“ConAction Café“
Offener Kanal Merseburg-Querfurt e.V. –“Kulturkompass 2016: interaction Leipzig e.V.”